Yesterday I filed a request with the Payoneer customer support via their web form. The form enforces selecting the subject from a predefined list with no “Other” option. There is also a freeform text area for additional information.
I provided all the details, submitted the form and received an email which I considered as a confirmation that my ticket has been received. Soon I checked that my ticket had a status of Resolved. Yet the reality was that the issue still persisted.
Today I created another ticket and received another “confirmation” email but this time I paid attention to it. It turned out that the automatically generated email contained a request for “additional” information, but I had already provided all that info in the ticket! In order for my request to be followed up I had to reply to that email. Which I did and the status of the ticket changed to Updated.
What an idiotic customer support scheme!
Update (2022/02/17):
Customer support at Payoneer sucks indeed. A support ticket is not assigned to anyone. It looks like the customer support representatives pick up tickets awaiting for response from a common queue. If the same ticket contains multiple updates it can well be attended by multiple customer support representatives each of them superficially reading only the most recent update. Probably that scheme works well for the typical flood of more-or-less primitive support requests filed by average public, but it stumbles on a non-standard case. Though it is probably a common problem in customer support.