Almost entire day was spent on inventing a good name for my platform. There were several interesting findings, some of which were even available as second level domains. However, though some of them may serve as good names of certain tools or components or be used as new jargon terms, they don’t make a good name for the full platform.

One theme was to use the metaphor of genes - the most valueable artefacts of hard intellectual work are those that are fundamental and intangible but allow to easily produce tangible stuff.

  • genesys

  • engene: suggested meaning ‘encode in genes’. Implies that good solutions, practices, etc, should make their way to the deepest level. Resembles engine but is pronounced a little differently, with emphasis on the last syllable.

  • emergene: allusion to the phenomenon of emergence inherent to highly complex systems. Doesn’t sound nicely in other languages.

  • higene: allusion to technical hygiene

  • aragene: sounds similar to the Armenian word առաջին which means first

  • virgene: just funny, though also resembles the Armenian word վերջին (last).


  • cimplex: synthesis of simple and complex

  • enabla: sounds similar to/indistinguishable from enabler

  • homogenius

  • scivil

Also discovered a pun:

  • climate can mean someone with shared access to command line interface (CLI mate). Should we coin a new word guimate?

I am now inclined to think that the name shouldn’t have any semantics encoded in it so that it doesn’t constrain the scope of the project in any way.